
Hypnosis & hypnotherapy

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a practice that has developed since the 18th century, but the use of the hypnotic state is much older in all cultures. Hypnosis is a natural state that everyone can experience several times a day, by listening to music, reading a good book, or even watching a movie … It is a modified state of consciousness between waking and sleeping during which you stay in full control.

Hypnosis for whom?

95% of our time is controlled by our unconscious where are stored our beliefs, our emotions, our habits, our values, our imagination, our conditioning, our solutions … So whatever you think or feel consciously, if your unconscious is programmed by different thoughts or beliefs, you will not be able to easily change them.

Hypnotherapy is therefore for anyone wishing to work on themselves, to change or modify behavior, to free themselves from blockages, to better manage their emotions, to develop capacities or to acquire new ones.

Hypnotherapy, considered as a brief therapy of change and development, is very effective and has lasting results. But it is not magic, the motivation to change is essential.

Hypnotherapy allows you to manage your daily stress in one or a few sessions as well as its consequences (burnout, sleep disorders, anxiety, addictions, lack of concentration, weight management, loss of self-confidence, shyness, stage fright. ,…). The duration of therapy depends on the goal to be achieved or the symptom.

Benefits of hypnosis and hypnotherapy

One chooses hypnotherapy to come to terms with one’s history, to reassociate one’s mind and body (which often retains the traumatic imprint) and to overcome the sometimes toxic links with the past. You are the engine of your change, you create new strategies and connections in the brain.
Hypnosis achieves results on three levels:
  • Physical: on psychosomatic manifestations, weight management, dermatological disorders, pain management, tensions in the body … The body expresses itself with ailments, its “words”.
  • Behavior: addictions (tobacco, alcohol, etc.), compulsions, preparation and improvement of the quality of sleep, public speaking …
  • Personal and emotional development: management of stress and emotions, depression, support during a career change, self-confidence and self-esteem, development of creativity …

Hypnotherapy is much more than a technique: it is a great tool for change, fast and powerful, allowing everyone to solve their problems, find their untapped inner resources, create the necessary change and achieve their goals.

NB: hypnosis cannot replace medical care or medical advice.

The effectiveness of hypnosis and hypnotherapy in the press
